Royal Bone China
Royal Bone China is the brand that represent the bone china products. It is prestigious ceramics tableware made with a combination of top quality material and 45% bone ash in the mix, making it beautiful and translucent. When put under the light, the product is transparent and shiny. Another attribute of the product is that it too does not absorb water.
Royal Fine China

Royal Fine China is the sister brand to the Bone China product. It has a transparency close to that of the bone china product but with distinctive modern designs and special strength quality from the added component of Alumina.
Royal Porcelain

Simple Tips for Selection of Trendy Ceramics TablewareAs mealtime is the time of happiness for everyone in the family and joyfulness from the conversation during mealtime can be enlighten from the fineness of ceramic tableware which can incredibly enhance the tasty of cuisine, all members of the family, not only the housewives, should be a part of ceramic tableware selection.
In order to select a set of ceramic tableware, various factors needed to be considered. The first factor which most people have to consider should be budget in their pocket in which there are wide range of ceramic tableware procuts with all prices level available in the market for the consumer. For people with high budget, Bone China product is recommended as it is considered as the best of ceramic tableware with noticeable features of ivory glaze, light weight, translucent body, high strength as well as clear and sonorous voice from the collision. Most decorations on Bone China products will be designed in classic style in order to show fine body of Bone China.
Fine China body is new product similar to Bone China with additional ingredients which generate different qualifictaions of Fine China, The body of Fine China is stronger but with lower translucency than the body of Bone China. Most decorations on Fine China will be emphasized on conspicuous modern style for household usage which should satisfy the requirement of people who admire chic designs. To serve the demand of budget market, Porcelain product is recommended with superior durability which is suitable for daily usage. The noticeable feature of Porcelain is whiter glaze with heavier weight than Bone China and Fine China bodies. From the market research, the price of Porcelain product is counted as relatively high atttractive price compared to melamine or plastic ware especially on the quality and qualification of high durability aspects. There will be variety of decorations on Porcelain depended on market trend and idea of each designer to adapt created decorations to match with demand of the market.
Life style is one of factors to be considered in the selection of ceramic tableware. The selected ceramic tableware should be usable in routine life, not only for displaying or welcoming guests. This however is depended on style of cooking, western of eastern style, as the composition set of tableware for western stle is different from eastern style. For example, if the favorite cuisine is western food, different sizes of shallow plate, deep plate, and soup plate are needed for tableware setting, In the contrary, if the favorite cuisine is Thai or Chinese food, rice bowl, rice or soup tureen, small dish, and sauce dish are needed for tableware setting. For convenience in purchasing of ceramic tableware, the consumer can purchase complete ceramic tableware set from the tableware composition set which the manufacturer has arranged separately for general, Thai or Chinese cuising together with other required additional items.
The decoration of accommodtion to be classic, modern, scent of oriental or casual style is also important factor in the selection of designs on ceramic tableware to enhance the exquisiteness of the accommodation since tableware is counted as a part of interior design. Besides, the quantity of purchased tableware has to be matched with the size of family, type of accommodation e.g. house or condominium, and frequency of party arrangement. all factors as mentioned above should be in the same line and are required for considering in purchasing of ceramic tableware.
Production Process
1. Body Preparation
2. Forming
3. Biscuit Firing
4. Glazing
5. Glost Firing
6. Decorating
7. Decoration Firing